Monday, March 16, 2009

Still Alive

To my 2 readers out there, I'm still here, just been too busy. Fuck that, I've really just been too lazy. I've got work to do at work, work to do at home. Craziness. I'm working on some really cool stuff for a colleague. very involved, taking me too long to finish because I'm new to PostgreSql. I've only ever used MySQL before. A friend also has a plan for a site, coincidentally his idea is almost 90% like a site I've already created a few years ago, but never finished. Been all over the Facebook thing, finding friends I haven't heard from in years. Keeping in touch with relatives both near and far. Been trying out this Twitter thing too. Like this blog, I've nothing really significant to say, just spouting off about myself, things that amuse me or piss me off.

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