Monday, February 07, 2011

Your call is very important to us

So, I had to call an insurance company tonight. Their website lists a toll free # and states that it's 7 days a week, but nothing about times, so I assume at 10pm EST that someone would pick up. I call and the robotic lady voice tells me to press 1 to be connected to an operator. Ok, 1 it is then.

For the next 8 minutes I get stuck in a loop. The robot lady voice tells me the same 3 things over and over.
  • Your call is very important to us
  • * musical mariachi interlude for 10 seconds *
  • Be sure to ask the operator about other valuable offers, available to select callers.
  • * musical mariachi interlude for 10 seconds *
  • We are connecting your call, and one of our operators will be with you shortly
  • * musical mariachi interlude for 10 seconds *
So, I wait, and wait, and as I keep hearing the same 3 messages over and over, I start to go slightly insane.

  • Your call is very important to us
  • me: I bet you say that to all the callers
  • Be sure to ask the operator about other valuable offers, available to select callers.
  • me: kiss my ass robot voice lady
  • We are connecting your call, and one of our operators will be with you shortly
  • me: oh great, finally connecting my call
  • Your call is very important to us
  • me: wait, What? then pick up the damn phone if it's so important to you
  • Be sure to ask the operator about other valuable offers, available to select callers.
  • me: oh, I have some things to say to the operator, don't you worry...
  • We are connecting your call, and one of our operators will be with you shortly
  • me: YOU LIE!!!
  • Your call is very important to us
  • me: Then please, for fuck's sake, pick up the damn phone
  • Be sure to ask the operator about other valuable offers, available to select callers.
  • me: do any of those offers include actually SPEAKING to an actual PERSON??
  • We are connecting your call, and one of our operators will be with you shortly
  • me: no you're not. why ya gotta go and lie about that. just be honest, it's me isn't it?
  • Your call is very important to us
  • me: STOP saying that! I know you don't care about me anymore. stop with the mental abuse.
  • Be sure to ask the operator about other valuable offers, available to select callers.
  • me (sobbing in a fetal-position): Whyyyyy, whyyyy...
  • We are connecting your call, and one of our operators will be with you shortly
  • me: Oh the hell with you. I'm done with you robot voice lady. I'm moving on with my life because I know I deserve better than you. I'll always remember the time we had, but that's it, it's over, goodbye!
  • Your call is very important to us
  • me: Really, you mean it. You really do care.
  • Be sure to ask the operator about other valuable offers, available to select callers.
  • me: Oh no, I've been here before. You're trying to trick me again.
  • We are connecting your call, and one of our operators will be with you shortly

Yeah, I have issues. Fuck you, don't judge me!

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