Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Fucking Verizon drops alt.*

I'm a regular reader and contributor in alt.sports.hocky.nhl.nj-devils as well as a few other newsgroups like alt.php, alt.html ...

They claim they will now only carry the "Big 8".

This sounds like some pencil pusher who knew nothing about USENET decided to cut bandwidth costs by eliminating the hierarchy that contains most of the porn. How much do you want to bet that the assholes at the RIAA or MPAA have something to do with this.

Verizon's announcement

I didn't leave Optimum to have to deal with asinine shit like this.

Fuckers are going to get an earful about this from more than just me.

Ars Tecnica reported on this recently, I must have missed it. Turns out the AG of my very own state of NY is responsible for pushing them to block child porn, which I commend them on, but Verizon took the next step to block alt.*, a BAD move.

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